Dana Otto

The simplicity
of healing

Let me show you simple and
joyful ways to be your
very own best version

Body, Emotions & Energy
impact each other

In my work I can see physical symptoms disappear after limiting beliefs from the past have been transformed.

Those limiting beliefs can be transformed faster and more sustainably when the energy flows freely through you.

When the physical body has more capacity, limiting beliefs and energy blockages can be let go more easily and new ones move through you without manifesting.

No matter where you start, its the

right way for you!

Body, Emotions & Energy are interconnected.
Start with one and you will see changes in each of them.


Listen to your body,
so it doesn’t have to
communicate through ilness


Reset your emotions to
really feel and see them for
what they are


Clear energy blocks and
let the energy flow freely
through you

Let's get to know each other

Hi, I’m Dana

I’ll accompany you in letting go of what doesn’t serve you anymore and in reconnecting to your body and the wisdom it holds.

Here is my journey of looking past the symptoms of a chronic illness and finding joy, ease and health again. I’m looking forward to hear about yours.

How do I help you


I Help you through fasting, finding the right herbs and mindful movement


I Help you through tapping, breathing techniques and Matrix Reimprinting


I Help you through clearing energy blockages and balancing your energy

Life is really simple, but we insist
on making it complicated


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